What is the most important factor to consider when integrating art as a teaching tool in middle school?

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Working EQ

  1. The Pentagon:
    Well during my summer mentorship, while I was helping to set up a teacher's class room I was able to understand and see how a classroom is put together. Seeing this helps me because by seeing how the classroom is put together I can have a better understanding of how it will work. Like if the classroom has a lot of art on the walls I can tell the class may have art, while if it has some art on the walls but the rest is blank, I can tell the teacher is one to teach there students using art and to also hang it up to show the world.
  2. EQ Content:
    I learned from my interview that art, or any form of expression, is an important tool, not just to free oneself from becoming bored but also to help a student learn something in a way thats fun for them. Because everyone is different. They have their very own likes and dislikes. These things give the student their own understanding of the world and the thoughts and ideas in it. So if a person, mainly a teacher, uses what that person likes as a sort of roseta stone to teach that student about a core subject they will find that the student is smarter than even thay think of themselves.
  3. What has work for me so far in my senior project experience would have to be the amout of book research that I am able to find and use. There are tons of books out there about teaching and using art as a tool to teach. A lot more than I thought there was going to be.
  4. The only thing I can think of that hasn't worked well so far would have to be the amount of research online. I mean there are plenty of blurbs, but there are not a lot of good articles about this subject out there on the internet.
  5. Finding Value:
  • What is the best art form to use in schools?
      How can we as the nation of the United States start getting test scores up by using art integration?
      How can best help younger and maybe even older students learn and express themselves at the same time, there for creating more interest in going to public school and higher education?
  • I hope to have a better understanding of what gets students interested in schools again, and then use those techniques in my future career camp.
  • I would like to talk to an artist like Ms. Hodapp said (in my first interview) and get their take on the subject. I would also like to ask for their personal stories and information on what its like to be an artistic soul, and how to put that artistic need to create into other subjects.

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