(a) I, Catherine Renee Clauss, affirm that I completed my independent component which represents 30 hours of work.
(b) Heidi Clauss (will send contact info via email)
(c) This is the link to my Independent Component log https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AlJQ5qIWkJRzdDBiNTJQMmdKS0NaRk9DeUhCdk54Q0E#gid=0
(a) I, Catherine Renee Clauss, affirm that I completed my independent component which represents 30 hours of work.
(b) Heidi Clauss (will send contact info via email)
(c) This is the link to my Independent Component log https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AlJQ5qIWkJRzdDBiNTJQMmdKS0NaRk9DeUhCdk54Q0E#gid=0
(d) For my Independent Component 1 I created
multiple art integrated activities for the four main core subjects with my
mentor along with a rubric and examples of what each assignment should look
My whole senior project is
based on trying to find the best way to integrate art into the everyday core curriculum.
Because I worked to create multiple example of art integrated activities for
all four of the major core subjects I really had to work and think of the best
ways to make these activities work in a way that was fun and educational. I
also discovered how hard it is to create
a rubric for an assignment. (P.S. it’s really hard.)(I will provide evidence of
my work at 8:00 a.m. in class in a neat
little folder because I have no means of transferring my photos to the blog.)
My essential question is “What is the best way to use art as a teaching tool in middle school?” So by looking at so many different activities (with and without art) I was able to really think and get an idea of what I needed to answer my essential question.
Here is the work I did
My essential question is “What is the best way to use art as a teaching tool in middle school?” So by looking at so many different activities (with and without art) I was able to really think and get an idea of what I needed to answer my essential question.
Here is the work I did